Friday, February 14, 2020

Aspects of United States society in the late 20th century and aspects Essay

Aspects of United States society in the late 20th century and aspects of life in the contemporary U.S - Essay Example Fast food is just like cigarettes because they both are horrible for ones self and still millions upon millions of people fall into the manufacturers trap of good advertising. America, as opposed to most of Europe, is always rushed. The average working week is forty hours, with maybe forty-five minutes as a lunch break. This is not enough time for a lavish lunch, leaving fast food as the menu of the day. (Schlosser, 2004) Americans, who live to work, will often bring home fast food as an alternative to the time consuming process of preparing dinner. Fast food is targeted to cater to the speed of an on-the-go American. The popular quote "In, out, and on your way" describes exactly how convenient fast food truly is. Now one doesnt need to go the lengths of in and out, just wait in the drive thru and go. If a person was hungry at 1:00 AM in 1940, he was out of luck. In todays world, one has their choice from a variety of fast food restaurants on every corner; they even have drive through windows so a person doesnt have to get out in their pajamas. For example, Wendys, doesnt close shop until 2:00 AM. In spirit with competitive American capitalism, McDonalds doesnt close now until 2:30. (Maze, 2004) Most cities and towns have rows of fast food restaurants so a person can jump from roof to roof, just in case they felt like Mexican food from Taco Bell rather than a McDonalds hamburger. In recent decades, the family structure of many Americans has changed. In most families, both parents need to work to support their families and to own a house, limiting the amount of time to spend with their children - let alone cooking meals. Fast food restaurants solve this equation easily by giving parents the option of killing two birds with one stone. They can take their kid(s) to a place like McDonalds that allows a parent to feed their children with

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Global Warming Video Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global Warming Video Analysis - Essay Example Inhofe’s view is that although he initially accepted the understanding that humans were the primary culprits in global climate change (then called global warming), the recent data which has come to light indicates that in fact humans only account for but a very small percentage of total C02 emissions. As such, Inhofe goes on to state that the fact of the matter is that the Kyoto Accords have become a massive liability to the American civilian in the form of costing him/her many thousands of dollars each and every year as a function of the deadweight loss that is attributed to any nation that signs onto the Accords. Furthermore, Inhofe goes on to state that a large number of the scientists who originally bandwagon together and signaled their agreement with the human causation of global warming and supported such a belief have since, almost to the individual, begun to back down and take a more tempered approach to the issue. Although few are coming out denying that humanity has little if anything to do with climate change, few among those initial activists that pushed for the Kyoto Accords are continuing to argue for the same logic that initially persuaded them to become active during that period. An obvious criticism of Inhofe’s point of view is, of course, the fact that even though human beings do not contribute to the lion’s share of CO2 emissions, the fact remains that humanity is responsible for a larger and larger percentage of total CO2 output. As such, it is only logical to assume that the Earth’s ability to convert this back to oxygen as forests continue to be decimated and a higher and higher ratio of industrial nations belch out metric ton after metric ton of CO2 each and every year.Â